How does the Lelong's Buyer Protection Program work?

If you made a purchase at via NetPay payment service and did not receive your item, please try to contact the seller to resolve the matter. Often it is just a miscommunication or misunderstanding problem.

Allow enough time to receive the item-usually 7-14 days. Keep in mind that the seller needs time to receive and confirm payment and ship out the item.

If it is still unresolved, follow the steps below to make a BPP claim.

To process a claim, you need to submit the following documents no later than 14 days from date of when a claim file is opened:
  1. The fully completed and personally signed Buyer Protection Program form
  2. Copy of Police report.
  3. Emails communication / SMS with the seller.
  4. Any other information or documents reasonably required by Lelong.

Lelong reserves the right to make a final decision at our sole discretion on any claim and make changes to this policy from time to time as it deems fit.

* reserves the right to modify or make amendments (or any part thereof), either temporarily or permanently, at any time or from time to time, with or without prior notice.